About OIDs Project


OIDs is a group of products including NFTs aimed at developing and continuing blockchain technology. We see great potential in blockchain technology and NFTs.

OIDsはブロックチェーン技術の発展と継続を目的としたNFTを含むプロダクト群です。 私たちはブロックチェーンテクノロジーとNFTに大きな可能性を感じています。

Vision / Philosophy

OIDs NFT was created as an item that conveys the message of coexistence and continuation of humanity and nature. The story of OIDs is the rebuilding of the Earth. HP’s upcoming Reconstruction World Map will grow with donations from the proceeds of NFT sales. The world map release date will be announced on the website as soon as it is decided.

OIDs NFTは、人類と自然の共存・継続のメッセージを込めたアイテムとして作られました。OIDs の物語は地球の再建です。HP でこの先公開される再建世界地図は 、NFT販売の収益からの寄付によって成長します。 ワールドマップ公開日は決まり次第HPで告知します。

OIDs NFT Utility

Proceeds from the sale of OIDs NFTs will be used for:
(1) STEPN sneaker distribution (lottery) and GMT distribution (lottery) to OIDs NFT holders
(2) Donations to environmental activities
(3) Operating expenses

Lottery results and donation records will be published on the website and Twitter.

OIDs NFTの販売による収益は以下に使用されます。
(1)OIDs NFT保有者へのSTEPNスニーカー配布(抽選)およびGMT配布(抽選)



Earth approximately 230 million years after the era when humans were at their most prosperous.
The Earth’s continents were brought together by tectonic movements over many years. An ancient AI computer that appeared from the ground due to the effects of crustal movements gave “consciousness” to various kinds of robots. Having gained consciousness, they set out on a journey to unravel the history of themselves and the Earth, and begin to think about rebuilding the Earth.

人類が最も繁栄した時代から約 2 億 3,000 万年後の地球。

-Images are under development and are subject to change.
-Giveaway Pool and Carbon Offset values are approximate values when the OIDs is sold out.
・Giveaway PoolやCarbon Offsetの数値は、OIDsが完売した場合の概算値です。

Character Types from 1st Season

FairMint at MOOAR


Ended on September 22, 2023. Please look forward to the 2nd Season of FairMint.


After working as an advertising designer, I am a producer who plans and produces movies, TV programs, and TV commercials.



We are always looking for investors and collaborators. Please contact us.